295 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Perbanyakan secara vegetatif dengan menggunakan stek batang dan cabang memiliki kelemahan di antaranya akar yang terbentuk pada stek jumlahnya sedikit dan tidak terlalu panjang. Akar yang pendek dapat menyebabkan penyerapan air, unsur hara dan volume kontak dengan akar lebih rendah dan rentan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan. Usaha yang dilakukan dengan pemberian ZPT. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui efektivitas pertumbuhan stek tanaman jambu air black diamond, dan mendapatkan konsentrasi zat perangsang tumbuh alami yang tepat dalam memperbanyak tanaman stek jambu air black diamond. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Non Faktorial, terdiri dari 9 taraf perlakuan, yakni : A0 = Ekstrak bawang merah konsentrasi 0,5 % (5 ml/1 L aquadest), A1 = Ekstrak bawang merah 1,0 % (10 ml/l L aquadest), A2 = Ekstrak bawang merah 1,5 % (15 ml/1 L aquadest), B0 = Air Kelapa 0,5 % (5 ml/1 L aquadest), B1 = Air Kelapa 1,0 % (10 ml/1 L aquadest), B2 = Air Kelapa 1,5 % (15 ml/1 L aquadest), C0 = Bonggol Pisang 0,5 % (5 ml/1 L aquadest), C1 = Bonggol Pisang 1,0 % (10 ml/1 L aquadest), C2 = Bonggol Pisang 1,5 % (15 ml/1 L aquadest). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlakuan A2 (ekstrak bawang merah 1,5 % atau 15 ml/ 1 L aquadest) efektif sebagai zat perangsang tumbuh alami tanaman terhadap pertumbuhan stek batang jambu air black diamond. Kata kunci: ZPT Alami, Stek, Jambu Black diamon

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Usaha Kreatif Melalui Optimalisasi Tata Kelola Usaha Pada Home Industri Dodol Di Desa Tanjung Alam Kabupaten Asahan

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    Kabupaten Asahan merupakan  salah  satu  kabupaten di  wilayah sumatera utara yang  memiliki  lokasi  sangat  strategis  berada  dijalan  lintas  sumatera.  Lokasi  yang strategis sangat mendukung tumbuhnya  umkm yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat,  membuka  lapangan  pekerjaan,  dengan  demikian  pengembangan  umkm sangat  penting  sehinga  produktifitas  umkm  dapat  meningkat  dan  tumbuhnya  umkm baru, hal ini sejalan dengan misi pembangunan pemerintah saat ini pengembangan SDM untuk  menciptakan  kemandirian,  untuk itu  perlu  adanya  umkm  yang baru  bersinerji dengan  yang telah  ada  dengan  demikian  perlu  adanya  pemberdayaan  umkm dengan perbaikan optimalisasi tata kelola.  Tujuan dari program pemberdayaan masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan optimalisasi tata kelola usaha pada home industri dodol di desa tanjung alam kabupaten asahan. melalui inovasi produk dan perbaikan teknologi finishing produk. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian tersebut adalah dengan melaksanakan pelatihan tata kelola usaha dari segi bussines plan sehingga inovasi produk dan pengembangan mutu serta tata kelola dari segi SDM, pemasaran, keuangan dan produksinya. Dengan perbaikan tersebut diharapkan produk usaha home industri dodol di desa tanjung alam dapat berkembang sebagai salah satu oleh oleh ciri khas kota kisaran kabupaten asahan.Kata kunci : Pemasaran, Sumber daya manusia, Produksi, keuanga


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    ABSTRACT Research on the effect of adding rind kakao on the physical properties of porous ceramics is motivated by the increasing number of cocoa pods in Indonesia and has not been fully utilized by farmers and the surrounding community. Therefore, this study aims to overcome environmental problems as well as increase the economic value of Rind Kakao waste into porous ceramics. The first method used was to reduce the particle size of clay and Rind Kakao to 200 mesh with a sieve. Then the two ingredients are mixed and the results of the mixing are printed. The results of the printing are activated at a temperature of 6000C. The results of the activation are then ready to be tested for physical properties such as porosity and SEM. The porosity and SEM test results showed that porous ceramics with a variation of 70 clay + 30 Rind Kakao had the best porosity percentage of 55.60% and had the smallest pore size of 3.37 µm. This is due to the presence of pore marks left by the Rind Kakao which has turned ash due to the activation of the porous ceramic at 6000C. Keywords: Porous Ceramics, Rind Kakao, Cla


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    ABSTRACT The curriculum is a milestone in the world of education. All educational institutions make the curriculum a foundation in improving the quality of education.. The change of the Minister of Education has also resulted in changes to the curriculum and education system. Whether an educational institution is good or not depends on how to run the programs that are already in the curriculum. Not only that, the curriculum is also a guideline and guide for teachers, schools and the community regarding the type, scope and order of content, as well as the national education process. In the history of its development, the curriculum in Indonesia has had very significant and drastic changes. The curriculum in Indonesia after Indonesia's independence in 1945 has changed ten times, namely in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2006, and 2013. For now, Indonesia has implemented and implemented the 2013 Curriculum ( K.13) which in the curriculum requires students to be more creative and innovative. In this research, it leads to analyzing the material taught in high school in the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) and the 2013 Curriculum (K.13). Keywords: Curriculum, KTSP, K.1

    Kajian Makanan Ikan dan Waktu Makan Tor (Tor soro Valenciennes 1842) Di Sungai Asahan

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    The Tor fish food study conducted on the Asahan River in this study determined three stations by purposive sampling, namely the distribution of locations based on river characteristics, and fish habitat in the Asahan River area. Data was collected from April - July 2017 this study consisted of field research and laboratory research. Field research was carried out on the Asahan River. Sampling of fish using fishing gear in the form of a mesh measuring three meters long, gill nets with three meshes (¾, 1½ and 2 inches) measuring 20 m long and 2 meters wide. The purpose of this study was to examine the composition of food and the time of eating fish. Tor fish caught during the study were 128 individuals. The total length (TL) range of Tor fish is between 70 - 210 mm, and the weight range is between 20 - 205 gr. Tor fish include omnivorous fish that tend to be herbivores with their main food being phytoplankton, followed by crustaceans, insects, rotifers, oligochaeta. Tor fish are diurnal fish with active time for fish, which is in the morning. In conducting foraging activities it is suspected that tor fish use the sense of sigh


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the use of purple sweet potato fermentation media on the growth of Silk worms and to find out the right dose of purple sweet potato fermentation to produce optimal Silk worm growth. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Aquaculture at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universiatas Asahan, with a maintenance period of 30 days. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 repetitions. The treatments in this study included A (100% mud), B (75% mud and 25% fermented purple yam), C (50% mud and 50% purple yam fermentation, D (25% mud and 75% purple yam fermentation), and E. (100% purple fermentation) The main parameters observed were the addition of Silk worms, while the supporting parameters were temperature, DO, water pH, and ammonia.The data obtained were statistically tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA). From the results of data analysis conducted showed that the use of fermented cassava medium and Gurami Mud Fish gave no real effect (p> 0.05) on the growth of Silk worms. The best results were found in treatment D, namely formulation of 75% mud and 25% fermented purple yam and Gurami Fish Mud which produced Growth of 5.34 grams and a population of 1068 individuals. Water quality during maintenance, namely temperatures ranging from 25,0 to 27,1°C, pH ranged from 5,01 to 6,98, DO ranged from  2,13 to 3,02 ppm and ammonia ranged from 0,25 to 1,5 ppm.Keywords: Tubifex sp, fermentation, purple sweet potato and mu


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    Study of Barbonymus balleroides in the Serayu River, where there is Mrica Reservoir. The damming activity has led to habitat fragmentation which affects the pattern of food habits, was conducted from October 2012 to January 2013. Fish samplings were done using a 3-meter long nets and gill nets with 3 mesh size (¾, 1 ½ and 2 inches) measuring 20 meters in length and 2 meters in width, and electrofishing. Fish sampling was carried out in three zones (downstream, middlestream, and upstream), which consisted of 6 stations. There were 1,602 fishes  captured and total length are ranged from 64 to 238 mm. The average condition factor of female fish was larger than male. The middle zone had a higher condition factor than the other zones. The asymptotic length of fish (L∞) was 253 mm, the coefficient growth (k) was 1 per year, and the theoretical age when the fish length was equal to zero (t0) -0,087 so that the growth equation of von Bertalanffy of Barb was Lt=253(1-e -1(t+0.087)). The highest natural mortality rate of Barb was found in the downstream zone (0.73), and then by the middle zone (0.58) and the upstream zone (0.57). The highest exploitation rate of Barb was found in the downstream zone (0.93), and then the upper zone (0.70), and middle zone (0.57). The exploitation rate Val.ue of Barb in upstream area of Serayu river was exceeded the optimum exploitation rate Val.ue of 0.5.


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of feeding on the maturity of the gonads of putak (Notopterus notopterus). This research was conducted in April - June 2018, held at the Laboratory of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Asahan University. In this study using putak fish test fish that have gonad maturity level (TKG) III. The feed used is in the form of silk worms, tilapia seeds and commercial feed. feeding 3% of body weight with a frequency of feed 4 times a day. The maintenance of putak fish is carried out in tarpaulin ponds measuring 50 x 50 x 50 cm with putak fish 3 tails per container with a volume of water of 35 cm. Fish are kept for 21 days. Data analysis used ANOVA, the experimental design used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 9 replications. The treatments included treatment of different feeds with treatment of A (silk worms), B (tilapia seeds) and C (commercial feed). The ANOVA results showed that different feedings had a significant effect on the maturity of gonads of putak The results showed that gonad maturity and the highest growth of putak fish were found in treatment A (silk worms) with IKG value of 13.45%, Fecundity of 1231 grains with egg diameter of 3 mm, with a period of 11 days, with a daily growth of 3, 76 cm and daily weight of 5.59 grams. Keywords: Putak Fish, Feed, Gonad Maturit


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    ABSTRACT The aquarium's ornamental fish trade or business has an economic opportunity to earn up to hundreds of millions of rupiah.Orlanda goldfish (Carrasius auratus) is the most in-demand ornamental fish by hobiest aquarium fish compared to other ornamental fish sold from ornamental fish shops in West Kisaran District.Although the ornamental fish business is very profitable but the trade/business of the fish can be detrimental because the goldfish has the opportunity to be a parasitic carrier agent. The higher the intensity of the fish trade then the chance of the spread of parasites to infect aquarium fish the greater.The study aims to gain information and knowledge about the types, prevalence, intensity and organs infected with  carp ectoparasites from ornamental fish stores as a preventive measure in the spread of parasites.The method used is the survey method. Fish samples are obtained from ornamental fish stores and observed under a microscope by scraping mucus from the outer organs. Ectoparasites found in  carp (C. auratus) are identified to see their type, prevalence and intensity.The types of ectoparasites found to infect C. auratus are the Protozoans (Trichodina sp, Ichtyopthirius multifilis and Chilodenella sp), Monogenea (Gyrodactylus sp and Dactylogyrus sp) and Copepoda (Metanauplius Larnea sp).Dactylogyrus sp is the ectoparasite with the highest prevalence of 76.47% and this ectoparasite is found only in the gills.The next high prevalence is Gyrodactylus sp with a prevalence of 52.94%, this ectoparasite was found to infect the skin and tail fins.The results of the study were published in national seminars and national journals with ISSN. Keywords: Ektoparasit, Carrasius auratus, prevalens


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh hormon gonadotrophin untuk merangsang ovulasi dan fekunditas ikan nilem (Osteochilus hasselti). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2019, bertempat di Laboratorium Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Asahan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan induk ikan nilem berat rata-rata 35,7 gr/ekor. Pemijahan dilakukan dengan menggunakan wadah box styrofoam. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan 6 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dilakukan meliputi perlakuan dengan dosis yang berbeda dengan perlakuan A (0,5 ml/kg), perlakuan B (0,6 ml/kg), perlakuan C (0,7 ml/kg) dan perlakuan D (tanpa dosis). Hasil ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan hormon gonadotrophin dengan dosis yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap fekunditas ikan nilem (Ostechilus hasselti). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa jumlah telur tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan C (0,7 ml/kg) sebanyak 1899 butir, diikuti perlakuan B (0,6 ml/kg) sebanyak 1765 butir, perlakuan A (0,5 ml/kg) sebanyak 1735 butir dan yang terendah pada perlakuan D (tanpa dosis) tidak terjadinya pemijahan pada perlakuan ini. Kata kunci: Pemijahan Semi Buatan, Ikan Nilem, Jumlah Telur